
New Feature Launch - 6.17.22

September 27, 2022
New Feature Launch - 6.17.22

Hello Blaze Capital Members!

We’re excited today to be rolling out new features and improvements to our platform. This update gets us closer to moving out of our beta version, and helps us prepare for the V1 release of the dashboard!  Below we will highlight some of the big changes!

  • We are very excited to introduce real-time alert qualification on our platform! The Algo will now be checking alerts in real-time throughout the trading day.
  • These are the types of backgrounds and what they mean:

  • Grey Background – This is a new alert from the system and has NOT started validation checking yet, when validation starts the icon will start pulsing yellow.

  • Yellow Pulsing Background – This alert is being checked and qualified by our system, and has yet to be deemed a pass or a failure.

  • Green Background Pulsing – The price of this security is trading above its alerted price, but the system has not yet fully qualified the alert.

  • Green Background with Check-mark – This alert is considered a qualified alert and will not change status.

  • The new hidden alerts page will show you what alerts have failed for the current day by default, and it works with the custom stock search!

  • End Of Day Target UI Update and QQQ Addition, the end of day target will now display for SPY and QQQ beside the search bar with an updated UI!

  • Low Resolution Fixes (Laptop) & Improvements to mobile layout!

  • We have moved the My Alerts Trackers from the display bar to your “My Alerts” Feed

  • Multi-Ticker Search + Custom Time-frame Search is now available! You can now search for multiple alerts at once and select custom timeframes!

  • The Notification Feed has been upgraded! Now, unusual option activity for stocks you are actively tracking in your watch list will be displayed, and the stock alerts have been refreshed to include more alert details!

  • You can quickly add a stock to your watchlist now! We have added a button to make it easy to add any security that appears in your feed to your personal watchlist with the click of a button!

Thank you for reading, we hope you enjoy all the updates!!

-The Blaze Capital Team!